24th OSEntreprendre Chaudière-Appalaches Gala: Jalna Lamontagne and Jonathan Bouchard of Progximity win a prize!


24th OSEntreprendre Chaudière-Appalaches Gala: Jalna Lamontagne and Jonathan Bouchard of Progximity win a prize!

Mercredi 25 mai 2022, English version by MCDC.

The Société de développement économique de la région de Thetford (SDE) wishes to highlight the efforts of the two founders of this company.


THETFORD MINES, MAY 25, 2022. On May 4th, the 24th Gala of the Défi OSEntreprendre Chaudière-Appalaches was held. During the gala, 23 prizes were awarded to the winners who distinguished themselves by the quality of their project, their creativity, and their values. In the Business Creation category, Progximity of Thetford was the winner in the Technological and Technical Innovations category. The Société de développement économique de la région de Thetford (SDE) wishes to highlight the efforts of the two founders of this company, Jalna Lamontagne and Jonathan Bouchard, who are currently benefiting from the Self-Employment Support (STA) measure.

Founded in 2018, Progximity is a software developer specialized in the mining industry. "We decided to develop a tool that will allow mining companies around the world, to actively participate in the transition to the smart and sustainable mines of tomorrow," explains Jonathan Bouchard, co-founder and chief technology officer. "In fact, after years of working in the industry, we have seen the magnitude of the challenge in the coming years. How can we make our mining sites more sustainable, efficient, competitive, and safe over the long term?

"A mine involves the work of several hundred people every day, the equivalent of a small village. Imagine the magnitude of the daily challenge of coordinating the work efficiently around a mining plan that includes thousands of tasks. The solution we designed allows us to connect all the stakeholders of the mining plan, via an adapted platform, which allows them to coordinate in an efficient and structured manner," adds Jalna Lamontagne, co-founder and CEO.

Called Minebook, the solution enhances the work of each stakeholder, from the geologist to the truck driver, by allowing them to quantify the positive impact of their tasks on the mine plan. Minebook is a team platform that visually illustrates the status of the mining plan in real time, allowing teammates to exchange with each other while keeping the relationship with the budget.

"From the beginning, we wanted to build an innovative company that would be at the forefront of change in the mining industry. When we dare to rethink the organization of work, we open the door to continuous improvement, seize new opportunities and contribute to improving operational efficiency while respecting our values. We are convinced that Minebook's approach will become a must for the coordination of mining teams and a new standard of quality work in the industry," conclude the two young entrepreneurs.

About Progximity's promoters

Jalna Lamontagne, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer
Trained as a metallurgist, Jalna is responsible for the company's business development and outreach. She has a degree in mining engineering and mineralurgy from Laval University and worked for several years in metallurgy for gold mines. Co-founder of Progximity, Jalna draws on her experience in organization and work coordination to support the company's growth.

Jonathan Bouchard, Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer
An engineer by training, Jonathan is responsible for software development. He has a degree in mining and mineral processing engineering from Laval University and has worked for several years in mine planning. Co-founder of Progximity, Jonathan puts his experience to good use by developing the entire Minebook platform.

About the Self-Employment Support (STA) measure

This measure aims to help people who meet the eligibility criteria to achieve autonomy in the labour market by creating or developing their business or by becoming self-employed. This project is made possible thanks to the financial participation of the Quebec government. For more information, contact Ms. Manon Breton at the SDE Thetford region at 418 338-2188 ext. 227.

Information : Manon Breton, Economic development commissioner
418 338-2188, ext. 227 | entreprises@regionthetford.com

Source : Martin Fecteau, Communication and marketing advisor
418 338-2188, ext. 231 | communication@regionthetford.com