Le Goût d'entreprendre 2021: A great success... in a virtual edition!


Le Goût d'entreprendre 2021: A great success... in a virtual edition!

Mercredi 21 avril 2021, With MCDC.

This annual activity, which aims to promote entrepreneurship among young people and the future jobs offered by local employers, was in its 9th edition.

Version française 

THETFORD MINES, APRIL 21, 2021. The Société de développement économique de la région de Thetford (SDE) and its partners are pleased with the success of the latest edition of Le Goût d'entreprendre 2021... in a virtual edition on April 8! This annual activity, which aims to promote entrepreneurship among young people and the future jobs offered by local employers, was in its 9th edition.

During this day, the students of Secondary IV of the Thetford region and some participants of l'Escale, had the chance to be informed about different career opportunities that can offer them, in the medium and long term, different companies in the region. Afterwards, all the students were treated to a very interesting conference by Thetford entrepreneur, Serge Dubois, from the company Appalaches Nature. In total, more than 350 young people from the region participated in the activities.

A total of 36 presenters spoke about their organization and especially about the jobs related to it. Their role was to motivate young people to study in fields that correspond to the expectations of the job market and to explain the qualifications required for tomorrow's employees in these types of jobs. No less than 12 sectors of activity were presented to allow young people to learn more. "This was the first year that the Legal and Political sector was offered. Three presenters and 27 youth were registered for this sector. This proves that there is an interest in this field", explains France Vachon, project coordinator at the SDE.

The activity concluded with a conference by Serge Dubois, a native of Thetford, who is passionate about maple syrup production. In 2007, with his cousin François Dubois, they created the company Biodélices which specializes in the production and transformation of organic maple products. Recently, a partnership was formed with the Famille Michaud Apiculteurs, a French honey producer. The company is experiencing impressive growth and is now operating under the name Appalaches Nature in a new 100,000 square foot eco-friendly plant.

During his virtual conference, Serge Dubois explained to the young people: "It is important to remain humble in life and never take things for granted... because that's when you stop innovating and start giving way to someone else who will be better than you. He also stressed the importance of making time for family, which is still his greatest achievement in life. He suggested to the students to go into business for the right reasons and in a field, they are passionate about, to stay positive and to be in solution mode!

It should be noted that the activity Le Goût d'entreprendre is made possible thanks to the close collaboration of the guidance counsellors of the educational institutions. Thanks to them, the students were able to select the most appropriate sector of activity for them, in addition to facilitating the event's logistics. This year, the "technical logistics" was a major challenge for the SDE Thetford region team.

"Holding a virtual meeting has become commonplace. However, to hold 12 simultaneously, with more than 350 people, is something else. The technical side of the event had to be well organized to facilitate the work of the students, but especially the moderators and presenters who had to manage the sessions as directors and facilitators. In fact, these 12 moderators had to step out of their comfort zone to facilitate this online activity. Many of them had never done this before," explains Martin Fecteau, communications and marketing advisor at the SDE.

Information: France Vachon, Project Coordinator, SDE Thetford Region
(418) 338-2188 ext. 236 | developpement@regionthetford.com

Source: Martin Fecteau, Communications and marketing advisor
(418) 338-2188, ext. 231 | communication@regionthetford.com

English version is made possible by Megantic English-Speaking Community Development Corporation (MCDC)